Quantum Mechanics, Course 501, Fall 2016

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Computational physics

Many body course

Advanced Computational Physics


Class Meetings: ARC building (105), Monday 1:40-3:00pm, and Wednesday 1:40-3:00pm

    Instructor:  Kristjan Haule
                            Office: Serin E267
                            email: haule<at>
                            Office hours: Thursday 4pm

    Text: Principles of Quantum Mechanics, by R. Shankar, Second Edition, Springer, (chapters 1 - 15)

    Homework: There will normally be a homework assignment each week. Late homeworks will not be accepted without special permission, generally requested in advance. Homeworks will be graded and will be a significant contribution to your final grade (40%).

    Exams: There will be one midterm exam (30%) and a final exam (30%). They will be in-class open-book exams. You will be permitted to use Shankar book and your notes. Other books are not allowed. Internet is not allowed.

    According to Rutgers academic calendar, we do not have a class Wednesday Nov 23.

    Midterm exam: Monday 10/31 at 1:40 to 3:00
    Final exam: Monday 12/19 at 1:40 to 4:00. Note that the room number is ARC 204.

    Gradebook: access gradebook


Chapters Weeks Topic
1 2.0 Linear vector spaces and bra-ket notation
2-3 1.0 Transition from classical to quantum mechanics
4 1.5 Postulates of quantum mechanics
5-7 2.0 One-dimensional problems; Harmonic oscillator
10 1.0 Higher dimensions; elementary treatment of identical particles
11 1.5 Symmetries, quantum numbers, and conserved quantities
12 2.0 Rotational invariance and angular momentum
13 1.0 The hydrogen atom
14-15 2.0 Spin and addition of angular momentum

Chapter numbers refer to text of Shankar.

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