Recent Publications

Here is a sampling of my recent publications:

        Emergent Potts Order in a Coupled Hexatic-Nematic XY Model, V. Drouin-Touchette, P.P. Orth,  P. Coleman, P. Chandra and T. C. Lubensky,
        PRX 12, 011043 (2022)

We address a long-standing mystery in the liquid crystals community, proposing that the "mystery phase" above the nematic KT transition is one of
       composite Potts order resulting from the confinement of fractionalized vortices.

Addressing the nature of an unexpected smectic-A' phase in liquid crystal 54COOBC films, we perform large-scale Monte Carlo simulations of a coupled hexatic-nematic
            XY model.  The resulting finite-temperature phase diagram reveals a small region with composite Potts Z_3 order above the vortex binding transition; this phase is
            characterized by relative hexatic-nematic ordering though both variables are disordered.  The system develops algebraic hexatic and nematic order only at a lower
            temperature.  This multi-step melting scenario agrees well with the experimental observations of a sharp specific heat anomaly that emerges above the onset of
            hexatic positional order.  We therefore propose that the smectic-A' phase is characterized by composite Potts order and bound-states of fractional vortices.

        Quantum Annealed Criticality:  A Scaling Description,   P. Chandra, P. Coleman, M.A. Continentino and G.G. Lonzarich, Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 043440 (2020).
        We provide a theoretical framework to describe compressible insulating systems that have first-order classical transitions and yet display pressure-induced
        quantum criticality. 
Experimentally there exist many materials with first-order phase transitions at finite temperature that display quantum criticality.  Classically a strain-energy density coupling
        is known to drive first-order transitions in compressible systems and my collaborators and I have generalized this Larkin-Pikin mechanism to the quantum case.  We show that
        if the T=0 system lies above its upper critical dimension, the line of first-order transitions can end in a quantum annealed critical point where zero-point fluctuations restore the
        underlying criticality of the order parameter.  The possibility of quantum annealed criticality in compressible materials, magnetic and ferroelectric, provides new settings for the
        exploration of exotic quantum phases where a broad temperature range can be probed with easily accesible pressures due to the lattice-sensitivity of these systems.

         Multiband Quantum Criticality of Polar Metals,  P.A. Volkov and P. Chandra,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 124,  237601 (2020).

          Here we demonstrate that multiband metals near inversion-symmetry breaking (polar) QCPs provide rich new platforms for the exploration of strongly
          correlated physics including non-Fermi liquid phases.

          Motivated by recent experimental realizations of polar metals with broken inversion symmetry, we explore the emergence of strong correlations driven by criticality
          when the polar transition temperature is tuned to zero.  Overcoming previously discussed challenges,  we demonstrate a robust mechanism for coupling between the
          critical mode and electrons in multiband metals.  We identify and characterize several novel interacting phases, including non-Fermi liquids, when band crossings are
          close to the Fermi level, and present their experimental signatures for three generic types of band crossings.
         Spin-Phonon Resonances in Nearly Polar Metals with Spin-Orbit Coupling, A. Kumar,  P. Chandra and P.A. Volkov, PRB 105 125142 (2022).

         We provide a spectroscopic signature of spin-orbit assisted electron-phonon coupling in disordered polar materials under applied magnetic field.

In metals in the vicinity of a polar transition, interactions between electrons and soft phonon modes remain to be determined.  Here we explore the consequences of
          spin-orbit assisted electron-phonon coupling on the collective modes of such nearly polar metals in the presence of magnetic field.  We find that the soft polar phonon
          hybridizes with spin-flip electronic excitations of the Zeeman-split bands leading to an anticrossing.  The associated energy splitting allows for an unambiguous
          determination of the spin-orbit mediated coupling to soft modes in polar metals by spectroscopic experiments.  The approach to the polar transition is reflected by
          the softening of the effective g-factor of the hybridized spin-flip mode.  Analyzing the static limit, we find that the polar order parameter can be oriented by magnetic
          field.  This provides possibilities for new switching protocols in polar metallic materials.  We demonstrate that the effects we predict can be observed with current
          experimental techniques and discuss promising material candidates.

          Superconductivity from Energy Fluctuations in Dilute Quantum Critical Polar Metals,  P.A. Volkov, P. Chandra and P. Coleman,
         arXiv:2106.11295 (2021).

        We study a mechanism for superconductivity in dilute quantum critical polar metals where the electron pairing is mediated by energy fluctuations.          

        Superconductivity in low carrier density metals challenges the conventional electron-phonon theory due to the absence of retardation required to overcome 
        Coulomb repulsion.  Here we demonstrate that pairing mediated by energy fluctuations, ubiquitously present close to continuous phase transitions, occurs in
        dilute quantum critical polar metals and results in a dome-like dependence of the superconducting Tc on carrier density, characteristic of non-BCS                                             
        superconductors.  In quantum critical polar metals  the Coulomb repulsion is heavily screened, while the critical transverse interactions emerge from the energy
        fluctuations of the critical phonons, resembling the gravitational  interactions of a chargeless dark matter universe.  Our estimate show us that this mechanism
        may explain the critical temperatures observed in doped SrTiO3.  We provide predictions for the enhancement of superconductivity near polar quantum 
        criticality in two- and three-dimensional materials that can be used to test our theory.

      Observation of a Critical Change Mode in a Strange Metal, H. Kobayashi, Y. Saskaguchi, H. Kitagawa, M. Oura, S. Ikeda, K. Kuga, S. Suzuki,
      S. Nakatsjui,
R. Masuda, Y. Kobayashi, M. Seto, Y. Yoda, K. Tamasaku, Y. Komijani, P. Chandra and P. Coleman, arXiv:2202:12464 (2022).

      We report the first direct observation of slow critical charge fluctuations in a strange metal using synchrotron Mossbauer spectroscopy.

Quantum electronic matter has long been understood in terms of two limiting behaviors of electrons:  one of delocalized metallic states, and the other of
       localized magnetic states.  Understanding the strange metallic behavior which develops at the brink of localization demands new probes of the underlying
       electronic charge dynamics.  Using a state-of-the-art technique, synchrotron-radiation-based Mossbauer spectroscopy, we have studied teh longitundinal
       charge fluctuations of the strange metal phase of beta-YbAlB4 as a function of temperature and pressure. We find that the usual single absorption peak
       in the Fermi liquid regime splits into two peaks upon entering the critical regime.  This spectrum is naturally interpreted as a single nuclear transition,
       modulated by nearby electronic valence fluctuations, whose long-time scales are further enhanced due to the formation of charged polarons.  Our results
       represent a direct observation of critical charge fluctuations as a new signature of strange metals.