About Us
We are a research group based in Rutgers University Physics Department in Piscataway, New Jersey, where we study the physics of novel semiconductors. Our research tends to revolve around the following themes:
- Fundamentals of charge carrier transport in organic semiconductors (OFETs).
- The fundamental optical properties of highly ordered organic semiconductors (exciton dynamics, photo-conductivity and the photovoltaic effect).
- Molecular self-assembly at functional interfaces.
- Novel inorganic layered semiconductors (dihalcogenides and graphene).
- Photo-physics of hybrid (organo-inorganic) perovskites.
- Ionic-liquid gating of multiferroic oxides.
Watch video: High-resolution ac Hall effect measurements [video]
Watch video: Vacuum lamination approach to high-performance OFETs [video-1]
Watch video: Crystallization of TES-ADT on flexible substrates [video-2]
Fall MRS 2012, Tutorial Lecture: "Organic single crystals 101" [download file]
Latest News (click individual entry for abstract)
- Writing metallic nanostructures with focused ion beams. Electron. Mater. 2024
- Significant Joule self-heating pervasive in TFT literature. J. Mat. Chem. C. 2024
- Hall checklist: a practical guide for experimentalists. Nat. Electron. 2024
- Safe practices of mobility reporting discussed once again. Nat. Electron. 2024
- The 1st intrinsic (trap-free) perovskite FETs demonstrated. Adv. Mater. 2022
- Trully water-based (green) lithography suitable for delicate materials is demonstrated. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021
- Emergence of n-type (electron) charge transport in heavily p-doped polymers is observed. Nature Mater. 2021
- Photo-Hall effect is measured for the 1st time in organic semiconductors. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020
- Hall effect and Raman measured in rubrene as functions of strain. Adv. Sci. 2019
- Hall effect in polycrystalline OFETs is investigated. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019
- PL gating effect is discovered in perovskites. Materials Today 2019
- Correlated flux scaling of PC and PL in perovskites. Phys. Rev. Applied 2018
- Artifact-free extraction of mobility in 4-probe FETs. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018
- Critical assessement of mobility extraction in FETs. Nature Mater. 2018
- Polarization-dependent photoinduced bias-stress in OFETs. ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces. 2017
- Extended carrier lifetimes and diffusion revealed in hybrid perovskites by Hall effect. Nature Comm. 2016
- Intrinsic carrier mobility in hybrid perovskites is studied across phase transitions. Advanced Mater. 2016
- "Partial" carrier coherence in organic semiconductors is understood. Sci. Reports. 2016
- High-resolution ac-Hall effect methodology for OFETs is developed. Phys. Rev. Applied. 2016
- Multi-particle interactions and non-linear photoconductivity in rubrene. Sci. Reports. 2015
- Ionic-liquid gating of multi-ferroic oxide SrRuO3. Sci. Reports. 2014
- Trap healing and very high-resolution Hall effect in org. semiconductors. Nature Mater. 2013
- Extremely flexible solution-processed organic devices are demonstrated. Nature Comm. 2012
- Dependence of nominal μ on VG sweep rate is revealed in disordered OFETs. PCCP 2012
- Bias stress effect is measured in "air-gap" OFETs. Advanced Mater. 2012
- Vacuum lamination approach to fabrication of high-performance OFETs. Advanced Mater. 2011
- The origin of PL spectral variability in crystalline organic semiconductors is revealed. Advanced Mater. 2011
- An amazing effect of photo-triggered diffusion of molecular oxygen in a crystalline organic semiconductor is reported. Advanced Mater. 2011
- The origin of the bias-stress instability in single-crystal OFETs is revealed. Phys. Rev. B 2010
- A very large exciton diffusion length (LEX ~ 3-8 μm) is observed in highly ordered organic semiconductors. Nature Mater. 2010
- D. J. Ellison from the group of Prof. Frisbie (University of Minnesota) has successfully applied Kelvin Probe Microscopy (KPM) to image SAM-rubrene system. Advanced Mater. 2010
- A high-density hole-doped regime in graphene is realized by growing FTS SAM on top of the single-layer graphene FETs. Nano Lett. 2010
- Microscopic mechanism of SAM nucleation and growth on organic surfaces is revealed. Advanced Funct. Mater. 2009
- A molecular self-assembly of silanes on organic semiconductors is discovered. Nature Mater. 2008