

About Us

  • First intrinsic (trap-free) perovskite FETs: Adv. Mater. 34, 2205055 (2022)
  • Rubrene FET: Nature Mater. 17, 2 (2018)
  • World's fastest OFETs
  • The 1st TMD FETs (WSe2 FET): Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 3301 (2004)
  • The 1st TMD FETs (July 1, 2003)
  • Ultra-flexible OFETs: Nature Comm. 3, 1259 (2012)
  • Hall effect measurements in rubrene OFETs
  • Rubrene crystals: the best organic semiconductor
  • High-mobility rubrene OFETs, Rutgers 2003
  • Molecular resolution STM images of rubrene
  • Hybrid perovskite crystals: Nature Comm. 7, 12253 (2016)
  • C8-BTBT blend OFET for Hall measurements
  • Rubrene crystals
  • Rubrene crystals
  • SAM on organic semicond.: Nature Mater. 7, 84 (2008)
  • css image slider
  • Ionic-liquid gating of multiferroic oxides
First intrinsic (trap-free) perovskite FETs: Adv. Mater. 34, 2205055 (2022)1 Rubrene FET: Nature Mater. 17, 2 (2018)2 World's fastest OFETs3 The 1st TMD FET (WSe2 FET): Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 3301 (2004) 4 The 1st TMD FETs (July 1, 2003) 5 Ultra-flexible OFETs: Nature Comm. 3, 1259 (2012)6 Hall effect measurements in rubrene OFETs7 Rubrene crystals: the best organic semiconductor8 High-mobility rubrene OFETs, Rutgers 20039 Molecular resolution STM images of rubrene10 Hybrid perovskite crystals: Nature Comm. 7, 12253 (2016)11 C8-BTBT blend OFET for Hall measurements12 Rubrene crystals13 Rubrene crystals14 SAM on organic semicond.: Nature Mater. 7, 84 (2008)15 SAM on graphene: Nano Lett. 10, 2427 (2010)16 Ionic-liquid gating of multiferroic oxides17
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We are a research group based in Rutgers University Physics Department in Piscataway, New Jersey, where we study the physics of novel semiconductors. Our research tends to revolve around the following themes:

  1. Fundamentals of charge carrier transport in organic semiconductors (OFETs).
  2. The fundamental optical properties of highly ordered organic semiconductors (exciton dynamics, photo-conductivity and the photovoltaic effect).
  3. Molecular self-assembly at functional interfaces.
  4. Novel inorganic layered semiconductors (dihalcogenides and graphene).
  5. Photo-physics of hybrid (organo-inorganic) perovskites.
  6. Ionic-liquid gating of multiferroic oxides.

Watch video: High-resolution ac Hall effect measurements [video]

Watch video: Vacuum lamination approach to high-performance OFETs [video-1]

Watch video: Crystallization of TES-ADT on flexible substrates [video-2]

Fall MRS 2012, Tutorial Lecture: "Organic single crystals 101" [download file]

Latest News (click individual entry for abstract)

  1. Writing metallic nanostructures with focused ion beams. Electron. Mater. 2024
  2. Significant Joule self-heating pervasive in TFT literature. J. Mat. Chem. C. 2024
  3. Hall checklist: a practical guide for experimentalists. Nat. Electron. 2024
  4. Safe practices of mobility reporting discussed once again. Nat. Electron. 2024
  5. The 1st intrinsic (trap-free) perovskite FETs demonstrated. Adv. Mater. 2022
  6. Trully water-based (green) lithography suitable for delicate materials is demonstrated. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021
  7. Emergence of n-type (electron) charge transport in heavily p-doped polymers is observed. Nature Mater. 2021
  8. Photo-Hall effect is measured for the 1st time in organic semiconductors. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020
  9. Hall effect and Raman measured in rubrene as functions of strain. Adv. Sci. 2019
  10. Hall effect in polycrystalline OFETs is investigated. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019
  11. PL gating effect is discovered in perovskites. Materials Today 2019
  12. Correlated flux scaling of PC and PL in perovskites. Phys. Rev. Applied 2018
  13. Artifact-free extraction of mobility in 4-probe FETs. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018
  14. Critical assessement of mobility extraction in FETs. Nature Mater. 2018
  15. Polarization-dependent photoinduced bias-stress in OFETs. ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces. 2017
  16. Extended carrier lifetimes and diffusion revealed in hybrid perovskites by Hall effect. Nature Comm. 2016
  17. Intrinsic carrier mobility in hybrid perovskites is studied across phase transitions. Advanced Mater. 2016
  18. "Partial" carrier coherence in organic semiconductors is understood. Sci. Reports. 2016
  19. High-resolution ac-Hall effect methodology for OFETs is developed. Phys. Rev. Applied. 2016
  20. Multi-particle interactions and non-linear photoconductivity in rubrene. Sci. Reports. 2015
  21. Ionic-liquid gating of multi-ferroic oxide SrRuO3. Sci. Reports. 2014
  22. Trap healing and very high-resolution Hall effect in org. semiconductors. Nature Mater. 2013
  23. Extremely flexible solution-processed organic devices are demonstrated. Nature Comm. 2012
  24. Dependence of nominal μ on VG sweep rate is revealed in disordered OFETs. PCCP 2012
  25. Bias stress effect is measured in "air-gap" OFETs. Advanced Mater. 2012
  26. Vacuum lamination approach to fabrication of high-performance OFETs. Advanced Mater. 2011
  27. The origin of PL spectral variability in crystalline organic semiconductors is revealed. Advanced Mater. 2011
  28. An amazing effect of photo-triggered diffusion of molecular oxygen in a crystalline organic semiconductor is reported. Advanced Mater. 2011
  29. The origin of the bias-stress instability in single-crystal OFETs is revealed. Phys. Rev. B 2010
  30. A very large exciton diffusion length (LEX ~ 3-8 μm) is observed in highly ordered organic semiconductors. Nature Mater. 2010
  31. D. J. Ellison from the group of Prof. Frisbie (University of Minnesota) has successfully applied Kelvin Probe Microscopy (KPM) to image SAM-rubrene system. Advanced Mater. 2010
  32. A high-density hole-doped regime in graphene is realized by growing FTS SAM on top of the single-layer graphene FETs. Nano Lett. 2010
  33. Microscopic mechanism of SAM nucleation and growth on organic surfaces is revealed. Advanced Funct. Mater. 2009
  34. A molecular self-assembly of silanes on organic semiconductors is discovered. Nature Mater. 2008