The electronic structure software developed in our group, which is a combination of Dynamical Mean Field Theory and Density Functional Theory
(DFT+DMFT), has become much more predictive with invention of the exact "double counting" (see
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 196403). An important problem, which limited the
predictive power of this computational method, was so called double-counting problem. This arrises because both DFT and DMFT account for some part of correlations, but it was not clear unit now what is the common part of correlations accounted by both methods. By the invention of the exact double-counting this ambiguity has been finally set to rest, which makes the predictions of the method much more accurate (for example, the prediction of the total energy of H2 molecule shows only 0.2% error:
Phys. Rev. B 91, 155144 (2015).)
The free energy functional of the DFT+DMFT computational method, which is stationary and hence very robust to small numerical inaccuracies, has finally been implemented:
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 256402 (2015). Up to now people have implemented the non-stationary formula for the total energy, which was not very accurate, and was plagued by errors from implementation details and numerical inaccuracies. While the functional was known for several years, its implementation has not been attempted before, and has only now become clear that the use of this functional is essential for structural predictions.
One examples is the derivation of the force on all atoms and its implementation, which has recently been achieved:
arXiv:1602.02819. The calculation of the force using the conventional total energy approach leads to terms which are extremely hard to compute (so called two particle vertex function). By using the stationary free energy functional, no such complicated terms appear, and the computation of the force is very stable and accurate. The prediction of complex crystal structures is now possible.