Undergraduate Programs
Special Permission Number/Pre-requisite override
For Summer SPNs
For SPN's for the SUMMER on-line sections of General Physics,
please request here:
For all other Summer courses go to:
For Fall 2020
Please go to the following link if you are applying for a special permission number for any undergraduate course. System will be open to SPNs for juniors and seniors on May 15, and to sophomores on May 29:
For SPN's for the on-line sections of General Physics, please request here:
Classical Mechanics (750:381) and Electricity & Magnetism (750:385) are intended for students planning on following the professional or astrophysics majors, or other very well prepared students. Please write directly to Professor Cizewski for an SPN if you want to take either these courses.
If you need an SPN for an honors course, or pre-requisite override, please email directly to Professor Jolie Cizewski at upd@physics.rutgers.edu with the subject as "SPN-HONORS" or "PRE-REQ", exactly as that. In the body, please give your name, RUID (the 9 digit number), and details of your request, including the index numbers of your 3 preferred sections, if appropriate.
Contact Information
For questions about physics/astrophysics major programs, advice on course selections, and evaluations of courses taken at other universities, send email to the Undergraduate Program Director Prof. Jolie Cizewski.
Courses, Major and Minor Programs
- START HERE:Course catalog, major and minor requirements, course descriptions
- The Major in Physics
- The Major in Astrophysics
- Home pages of undergraduate courses
- Instruction support and development
- Careers in Physics and Astronomy
- Learning Outcome Goals
Our Physics Majors
- Departmental Award Winners in 2018, announced at the SPS Departmental Awards Banquet on April 26, 2018.
- Physics major graduates at Commencement on May 13, 2012.
- The Rutgers Society of Physics Students (SPS)
- List of Physics Majors
Scholarships for Physics Majors
- The Mary Wheeler Wigner Memorial Scholarship
- The Robert L. Sells Scholarships
- The Herman Y. Carr Scholarships
- The Noemie B. Koller Scholarships
Prizes and Internships for Physics Majors
- The Richard T. Weidner Physics Prize
- The Aryabhata Endowed Award in Astronomy
- The Mohan S. Kalelkar Award
- The Paul L. Leath Award
- The Richard J. Plano Summer Research Internships
Teaching Awards
- The Outstanding Teacher Award, presented annually by the Rutgers Society of Physics Students.
- The Richard J. Plano Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award , inaugurated in 2000.
- The previous Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award , which existed during 1989-1999.
- Information about free peer tutoring offered at the Rutgers Learning Centers,
- Graduate Student Physics Tutors (pdf)
Please contact webmaster@physics.rutgers.edu if there is a brroken link on this page.
Updated Apr 20, 2020.
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