Home page of

Valery Kiryukhin

Directory information

  Position:  Distinguished Professor 
  Research group:  Condensed Matter Experiment
  Email address:  vkir AT physics.rutgers.edu
  Telephone:  (848) 445-8752 
  Dept. Fax:  (732) 445-4343
  Office:  Serin W118
  Mailing address:  Valery Kiryukhin 
Department of Physics and Astronomy 
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 
136 Frelinghuysen Road 
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019 USA 

Research Activities

Studies of electronic, structural, and magnetic properties of quantum materials. Strongly-correlated systems and quantum magnetism are of primary interest. Compounds with strong spin-orbit coupling, multiferroics, frustrated magnets, spin liquids, and materials with self-organized nanostructure are examples of current problems under investigation. Questions of fundamental importance in condensed matter physics, such as low-dimensional and frustrated magnetism, charge/orbital order, and exotic electronic phases (including topologically nontrivial phases) are addressed. The investigated materials also hold potential for practical applications, e.g. in quantum information technologies. The main experimental techniques are x-ray and neutron scattering. Experiments are performed on campus, and at leading national facilities, such as Brookhaven National Laboratory, and National Institute of Standards and Technology. In addition to application of the state-of-the-art research tools available there, we are developing new experimental approaches, such as utilization of diffraction of coherent x-rays for antiferromagnetic domain imaging, and application of photon beams carrying orbital angular momentum for studies of quantum magentism. These novel techniques hold potential for applications in topological and antiferromagnetic spintronics. The work is done in close collaboration with other groups at Physics Department, especially through Rutgers Center for Emergent Materials (RCEM). Students get a broad exposure to worlds-best experimental scattering facilities, as well as to state-of-the-art laboratory techniques for crystal growth and characterization. Our group provides great opportunities for establishment of scientific contacts and collaborations.

Professional Information

Click here for education and professional employment history, awards and honors, and publication list.

Please send any comments on this page to vkir AT physics.rutgers.edu.



Updated July 2024