This is the website for
- 01:750:464, Mathematical Physics, and
- 16:750:511, Topics in Mathematical Physics
Please use the links on the right to navigate this website.
- Home page of Course: This page
- GeneralCourse Info: Information
about tests, homework, exams, class times, etc.
- Syllabus: Day by Day list of topics, assignments and reading
- Homeworks: Week by week homework assignments and solutions
- Announcements: Current announcements. These also appear on
the home page
- Other Refs: Books which might be useful for reference
- Lecture Notes: All of my lectures. There is a short introduction to
each lecture, and there are full versions of all the lectures
- Supplementary Notes: Assorted notes, mostly of mine, on mathematical
topics. Some of these are beyond what we will cover in the course.
- Exams: Exams and solutions will be posted here when
- Old Announcements: Just a record of announcements removed
from after they expired.
This page is mainly for current announcements.
Class Meetings: Wednesdays at noon (12:00-1:20) and Fridays 1:40-3:00 in
Hill 009.
Please be prompt. Do the reading in advance.