Undergraduate Courses
The Physics B.Sc. major Astrophysics
Option offers a thorough introduction to the subject for all those
who aspire to a career in research, technical development, or
education in astrophysics. It provides suitable preparation for
graduate study in astrophysics.
Prospective students interested in pursuing undergraduate studies
in physics or astronomy at Rutgers should see the program description
for details. The Department offers the following undergraduate
courses in astronomy - most are co-listed both under subject codes 750
(Physics) and 105 (Astrophysics):
109 Astronomy and Cosmology (3) and
PHY 110 Astronomy and Cosmology (3)
No prerequisite. For nonscience majors. May not be taken
for major credit.
A predominantly descriptive introduction to current ideas
concerning the nature and origin of the earth, the solar system, the
galaxy, and the universe; neutron stars and black holes; the
"big-bang"; the possibility of life outside the earth. 109:
Development of our understanding of the solar system from the time of
the Greeks to the present day. 110: Current understanding of stars,
galaxies and the universe.
341, 342 Principles of Astrophysics (3,3)
Prerequisites: Two terms of introductory physics and two
terms of calculus. (Credit not given for both this course and
Properties and processes of the solar system, the stars, and the
galaxies; origin of the elements evolution of the stars and the
universe; neutron stars and black holes.
343 Observational Radio Astronomy (3,3)
Lec. 1.5 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Lab schedule will vary through
the semester. Prerequisites: 01:750:341,342 or permission of
instructor. (Credit not given for both this course and 01:105:343.)
Observational study of the solar system, stars, and galaxies, using
the Serin 3 meter radio telescope. Emphasizes computer techniques for
data reduction and analysis. Topics may include calibrating system
properties, the variability of the Sun, Jupiter, or quasars, and
mapping the distribution of hydrogen in our Milky Way galaxy and
measuring its rotation.
344 Observational Optical Astronomy (3,3)
Lec. 1.5 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Students must have nighttime
hours free for observing. Prerequisite: Two terms of introductory
physics. Concurrent registration in PHY 341-342 recommended. (Credit
not given for both this course and 01:105:344.)
Observational study of the solar system, stars, and galaxies, using
the Robert A. Schommer 0.5 meter telescope. Emphasis on computer
techniques for data reduction and analysis. Topics may include the
dimensions of lunar features, planetary satellite orbits, planetary
rotation measurements, asteroid photometry, solar studies, Cepheid
variable stars, gaseous nebulae, color-magnitude diagrams for star
clusters, the structure and colors of galaxies, and the expansion and
age of the universe.
441. Stars and Star Formation (3)
Prerequisites: 01:750:361, 385-386. (Credit not given for
both this course and 01:105:441.)
Observed properties of stars. Internal structure of stars, energy
generation and transport, neutrinos, solar oscillations. Evolution of
isolated and double stars, red giants, white dwarfs, variable stars,
supernovae. Challenges presented by formation of stars, importance of
magnetic fields. Pre-main sequence stellar evolution.
442. High Energy Astrophysics and Radiative Processes (3)
Prerequisites: 01:750:361, 385-386. (Credit not given for
both this course and 01:105:442.)
Radiation and scattering processes in plasma. Detection and X- and
gamma-rays. Supernovae and remnants, pulsars. Gamma-ray
bursts. Accretion disks and binary star outbursts. Quasars and active
galactic nuclei. Cosmic rays.
443. Galaxies and the Milky Way (3)
Prerequisites: 01:750:381-382, 385-386. (Credit not given
for both this course and 01:105:443.)
Properties of galaxies: photometry, kinematics and masses. Disk
galaxies: spiral patterns, bars and warps, gas content, star formation
rates, chemical evolution. Elliptical galaxies: shapes. Structure of
the Milky Way. Nature of dark matter.
444. Introduction to Cosmology (3)
Prerequisites: 01:750:361, 385-386. (Credit not given for
both this course and 01:105:444.)
Expansion of the universe, techniques for distance
estimation. Large-scale structure of universe. Cosmological models:
open, closed, flat and accelerating universes. Microwave background:
observations, properties and origin. Problems of standard cosmology
and preliminary concept of inflation.
PHY 497,498. Honors in Astronomy
Prerequisite: Invitation of chairperson. (Credit not
given for both this course and 01:105:497,498.)
Supervised independent reading or research in astronomy,
culminating in an essay.
Prospective graduate students thinking of a thesis in astrophysics
at Rutgers should be aware that there is a separate astronomy option
in the departmental Graduate Program. This program includes a separate qualifier
exam and several astrophysics courses (listed below). Recent graduates from this program have
pursued a variety of careers.
514 Radiative Processes (3)
Prerequisites: PHY 503
Electromagnetic phenomena in astrophysical systems. Radiative
transfer. Radiation from moving charges. Emission mechanisms:
Bremsstrahlung, synchrotron, Compton scattering. Plasma effects. Atomic
and molecular structure and spectroscopy.
606 Stars and Planets (3)
750:514 Radiative Processes or 750:504 Electricity
Stellar properties, internal structure, energy generation and transport,
neutrinos, atmospheres, solar oscillations. Stellar evolution, red
giants, white dwarfs, variable stars, supernovae, neutron stars, black
holes. Brown dwarfs, planets, extrasolar planets.
607 Galaxies and Galaxy Dynamics (3)
Prerequisites: PHY 507, Classical Mechanics.
Galaxy properties: photometry, structure, kinematics, gas content,
chemical evolution; Milky Way. Stellar system equilibrium, stability,
evolution. Disk and elliptical galaxy dynamics and evolution (spiral
patterns, bars, warps). Astrophysical chaos.
608 Cosmology (3)
Prerequisites: PHY 341-342 Principles of Astrophysics or
Models of the universe, their fundamental parameters and their
estimation from observations. Evolution of the universe from soon
after its formation to the present. Growth of structure and the
formation of galaxies.
609 Fluid and Plasma Physics (3)
Prerequisite: PHY 507 or equivalent.
The fundamental physical properties of liquids, gases, and ionized
systems. Includes selected topics from compressible and incompressible
flow, electromagnetic interactions, instabilities, turbulence,
nonequilibrium phenomena, kinetics, superfluid mechanics, related
experimental techniques, and other topics of current interest in fluid
and plasma research.
610 Interstellar Matter (3)
Prerequisite: PHY 514 or equivalent.
Structure of the inter-stellar medium: its molecular, neutral
atomic and plasma phases. Radiative transfer, dust, particle
acceleration, magnetic fields and cosmic rays. Effects of supernovae,
shock fronts and star formation.
612 High-Energy Astrophysics (3)
Prerequisite: PHY 341-342 or equivalent.
The origin and detection of high energy photons and particles in
the universe. Radiation processes in low density media. Sites of high
energy phenomena in astrophysics, such as supernovae, pulsars, active
galactic nuclei and quasars and processes such as accretion and
PHY 617 General
Theory of Relativity (3)
Prerequisites: PHY 507, Classical Mechanics, or
equivalent, 504 Electricity and Magnetism.
Equivalence principle, tensor analysis with differential forms;
review of special relativity and electromagnetism; affine connection
and geodesic equation; curvature and geodesic deviation; Einstein
field equations; Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions, homogeneous
isotropic cosmologies; experimental and observational
629 Observational Techniques (3)
Prerequisite: PHY 541 Introductory Astrophysics or
Introduction to tools and techniques of modern observational
astronomy. Survey of instruments and capabilities at current telescope
sites around the world and in space. Data reduction methods. Practical
experience with Robert A. Schommer Observatory.
PHY 689, 690 Advanced Topics in
Astrophysics I and II (3,3)
Last revised Sept 27, 2017
Web page maintained by pryor_at_physics.rutgers.edu