Piers Coleman's home page 

Picture of P. Coleman


Rutgers Center for Materials Theory :
recent articles

Recent Talks @ YouTube

Heinz Pagels Aspen Public Talk (August 2022):
The strange new universe of quantum materials

Rutgers CMT Symposium Talk (October 2022)
Order Fractionalization and Neutral Fermi surfaces

ICAM: The Institute for Complex Adaptive matter     

Journal Club for condensed matter physics

Introduction to Many Body Physics

Published December 2015
Swarez' Cover Art
Physics Today Review by Mohit Randeria


Phil Anderson AT&T Archive Video
Coleman and Chaikin Video on Reductionism and Emergence
Music of the Quantum
Phil. Anderson's Magnetic Ideas in Science.
From PWA90: A lifetime of Emergence, published by World Scientific.
Supradesign - Daniel Bobroff's superconductivity outreach project.
Novel Superconductivity Blog. Aspen Center for Physics 2007.
Frontier at your Fingertips Nature Connections Articles  
Quantum Phase Transitions
Frontiers in Correlated Matter
 "1+1 =3: The Frontier Science of Emergent Materials" .
Abrahams@80 Fest  20th-22nd April 2007
"Many Body Physics: Unfinished Revolution"

Selected Talks from over the years:

Order Fractionalization (UIUC, Nov 2018)

Plenary SCES 2017, Prague:
SCES in the Quantum Information Era:
New challenges and paradigms

U. Victoria, British Columbia 2016
Spinors Strings and Superconductors

Toyota RIKEN workshop, Nagoya 2015.
Strange metal behavior in YbAlB4 and gold YbAl, the
(superconducting ?) Kondo Quasicrystal.

SuperPire meeting. IOP Beijing 2014
The Challenge of Heavy Fermions

APS March Meeting Invited Talk 2014
Heavy Fermions: The Rise of Topology

Saas Fee MaNEP Winter School: Jan 2013
Three Lectures on Heavy Fermion Physics  Part I & II,

IIT Kanpur, Feb 2010:
Qu-transitions: Phase transitions in the quantum era

Address and Phone Numbers

      Prof. Piers Coleman
      Materials Theory Group
      Dept of Physics and Astronomy
      Rutgers University        
      136 Frelinghuysen Road
      Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019, USA

      Phone:   (848) 445-9033
      Fax:     (848) 445-4400

Other links

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Research supported by the
Department of Energy  and the
National Science Foundation