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APS Division of Nuclear Physics: 2007 Long Range Plan

QCD and Hadron Physics Town Meeting Bullets (Feb 23, 2007):

  • 1) Our highest priority is the timely completion of the 12 GeV Upgrade of CEBAF and the start of its exciting research program.
  • 2) It is imperative that funding be provided to make effective use of our major research facilities, which include operations of CEBAF, RHIC-SPIN, and TUNL-HIGS. We recommend increased federal investment in both people and equipment at our universities to support science and education activities associated with these facilities.
  • 3) Substantially increased support for nuclear theory is critical to achieving the short and long term scientific goals of the US nuclear physics program. In implementing the recommendations of the 2003 NSAC Report on Nuclear Theory, it is particularly important to focus on recruiting, nurturing and supporting young theorists.
  • 4) A high luminosity Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) facility is the highest priority of the QCD community for new construction after the JLab 12 GeV and RHIC II luminosity upgrades.
    * Precision imaging of sea-quarks and gluons to determine the full spin, flavor and spatial structure of nucleons;
    * Definitive study of the universal nature of strong gluon fields manifest in nuclei.
    This goal requires that R&D resources be allocated for expeditious development of collider and detector design.
  • 5) We strongly support the recommendations of the workshop on Education and Public Outreach in nuclear sciences.

To email comments on the bullets click here.

Comments (updated daily)

27 February

The text of the recommendations sounds really good ... I hope there is some provision/chance to get the Hall-A upgrade done as well.

28 February

The mini-bullets after bullet 4 (on the EIC) look weird and out of place. Either merge them into bullet 4 or remove them.

1 March

I'm not sure about the 2nd bullet: it is ambiguous about RHIC-Heavy-ions, perhaps it should say:
It is imperative that funding be provided to make effective use of our major research facilities, which include operations of CEBAF, RHIC-SPIN/Heavy-ion, and TUNL-HIGS.


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