Rutgers University Department of Physics and Astronomy

Veronica Pasquarella
(University of Cambridge)

Title: Categorical Symmetries and Fiber Functors from Multiple Condensing Homomorphisms from 6D N=(2,0) SCFTs

Abstract: This talk is structured into two parts, each one exploiting the symmetry topological field theory/topological order correspondence (SymTFT/TO). On the one hand, this enables to further the understanding of the categorical structure arising from dimensional reduction of 6D N = (2, 0) SCFTs, identifying a criterion to distinguish between intrinsic and non-intrinsic non-invertible symmetries in terms of the quantum dimension of condensable algebras. On the other, it addresses the issue of determining the fiber functor and Drinfeld center for a system of joined absolute theories separated by non invertible defects. Concluding remarks include the usefulness of these insights for furthering the understanding of the interplay between gauge theory, representation theory and 3D mirror symmetry.

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