Jerry A. Sellwood

I have retired from Rutgers, and am now an Affiliated Professor of Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona.

Full address and other contact information:

Steward Observatory
University of Arizona
933 N Cherry Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85721-0065

Telephone: (520) 621 2288
Fax: (520) 621 1532

Click for a short or a full CV, publication list, or for some biographical information.


I have retired, but I still supervise students for research projects. My former graduate students are: Neil Raha, David Earn, Ben Weiner, Victor Debattista, Vince Jacobs, Juntai Shen, Ricardo Zánmar Sánchez, Michael Solway, and Carl Mitchell.

Research Interests

My main interests are structure and evolution of galaxies, their formation and their dark matter content.

I use N-body simulations to compute the evolution of isolated galaxies. I have made my simulation code public through the website GALAXY, with a detailed on-line manual at this url. Recent manual changes: Dealing with "argument mismatch" errors from gfortran in footnote 8, p13. Improved advice on time steps can be found on p57 and is highlighted in green. A new algorithm to implement Shu's method to compute DFs for disks is the major enhancement in the latest code release and is described on p82.

I am also the author, with Kristine Spekkens, of the public software package DiskFit that can be used to fit disk galaxy models, whether barred or not, to either photometric images or kinematic data. DiskFit can be downloaded from this url.