Department of Physics and Astronomy
Serin Physics Laboratory
136 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019

Physics 275 "Classical Physics Lab" Fall 2002

Contact Information

Course Supervisor: Jack Hughes, Serin 307W, 732-445-0980,
Office Hour: TBD
Lab Meeting Location: Serin Physics Bldg, Room 106
Lab Meeting Times: M7-8, T5-6, T7-8, W1-2, W3-4, Th7-8
Course TAs: Marcello Civelli, ARC 236, 732-445-6885,; Ivan Ermanoski, NPL6, 732-445-0035

Course Information

Web Resources

The address of this page is

Please send any comments to Jack Hughes,

Revised September 15, 2002

Background image: Genbu, the black tortoise of the North (Winter), one of the talismanic animals that marked the four seasons and cardinal directions in Japanese astronomy.