
This only needs to be done once.

No need to do it again if you already did this for the event display.

Everything is setup in the area /users/h2/quarknet/
Copy over the "Trees_Analyzer" directory:

cp -r /users/h2/quarknet/Trees_Analyzer/ .

#(that dot is needed!)

Run jobs

Go to the Trees_Analyzer/CMSSW_9_4_0_patch1/src directory
The analysis code that runs is in a macro file called ""
Right now it is a simple file that makes a couple of plots

Look at plots you made

Histograms you make in the tree_analyzer code are in the file named in the outfile (ie, "result_MC_1.root" for instance). To look at the histograms open the "root" program with this file:
root result_MC_1.root
Then, within root one way to look at the histograms is the TreeBrowser
<>TBrowser a;
Now you can click on the root file at the top left, and it will open up to show you the histograms inside. Click on the histogram name to see it.