We investigated whether the gender gap in conceptual understanding in
an introductory university physics course can be reduced by teaching
with interactive engagement methods that promote in-class interaction,
reduce competition, foster collaboration, and emphasize conceptual
understanding. To this end, we analyzed data from the introductory
calculus-based mechanics course for non-majors at Harvard University
taught traditionally or using different degrees of interactive
engagement. Our pretest results indicate that on average, female
students start out behind the male students in conceptual
understanding, as measured by the Force Concept Inventory. Teaching
with certain interactive strategies not only yields significantly
increased understanding for both males and females, but also reduces
the gender gap. The greater the interaction, feedback, collaboration,
and emphasis on understanding, the greater the reduction in the gender
gap. We also analyzed data from the algebra-based mechanics course,
and found that although the gender gap reduction is not as pronounced
as in the calculus-based course, interactive teaching also benefits
all students, and reduces the gender gap.
Last modified: Sun Oct 14 17:40:51 2007