NHETC at Rutgers Physics Department
Video and PDF files from NHETC Seminars
Spring 2025
Fall 2024
- Oct 22, 2024, N. Sopenko, An index for 2d invertible phases of quantum many-body systems
- Oct 1, 2024, N. Seiberg, Anomalous Continuous Translations
- Sept 24, 2024, D. Jafferis, Tensor model for 3d gravity
- Sept 17, 2024, C. Cuesta-Lazaro, Cosmology's Midlife Crisis: Embracing the Machine Learning Makeover
- Sept 10, 2024, H. Zhang, K-theoretic Global Symmetry in String-constructed QFT and T-duality
Spring 2024
- May 21, 2024, Xucheng Gan, Millicharged Cosmology
- May 7, 2024, I. García Etxebarria, Deriving SymTFTs from geometry
- Mar 23, 2024, I. Bah, Aspects of topological symmetry, holography, and branes
- Mar 12, 2024, O. Slone, Discovering the Dark Sector with Astrophysical Probes
- Feb 27, 2024, F. Lanusse, Merging Deep Learning with Physical Models for the Analysis of Cosmological Surveys
- Feb 13, 2024, O. Aharony, Two dimensional QCD as a string theory
- Jan 30, 2024, C. Figueiredo, From Scalars to Pions and Gluons: New structure closer to the real world
- Jan 23, 2024, Z. Komargodski, The dynamics on Defects in Magnets and Gauge Theories
Fall 2023
- Dec 19, 2023, L. Hollands, Non-perturbative partition functions for N=2 theories of class S
- Dec 14, 2023, A. Khan, Holomorphic Surface Defects in 4d Chern-Simons Theory and the Bethe Equations
- Dec 12, 2023, S. Roy, Simulating Atomic Dark Matter in Milky Way Analogues: The Impact of Dark Dissipation on Galactic Scales
- Dec 7, 2023, T. Hoffman, PELICAN: Equivariance, Explainability, and Robustness in Jet Machine Learning
- Nov 30, 2023, P. Gao, Probe black hole interior with an infalling observer by modular flow
- Nov 28, 2023, T. D. Brennan, The Callan Rubakov Effect
- Nov 14, 2023, B. Swingle, Cosmology from random entanglement
- Nov 7, 2023, K. Costello, Burns space and celestial holography
- Oct 31, 2023, S. Shao, Non-invertible lattice translation
- Oct 26, 2023, Y. Sun, Looking in the axion mirror: An all-sky analysis of axion stimulated decay
- Oct 24, 2023, E. Rabinovici, Some Aspects of Krylov Complexity
- Oct 17, 2023, D. Freed, What is an anomaly?
- Oct 10, 2023. K. Zurek, From shockwaves to gravitational memory
- Oct 3, 2023. A. Dasgupta, Some aspects of Asymmetry
- Sep 26, 2023. M. Winer, The Spectral Form Factor: From Thermalization to the Riemann Zeta Function
- Sep 21, 2023, H. Xu, Analyticity properties of 2d Ising Field Theories
- Sep 19, 2023, A Ghalsasi, Gravitational Waves from NNaturalness
- Sep 12, 2023, V. Pasquarella, Categorical Symmetries and Fiber Functors from Multiple Condensing Homomorphisms from 6D N=(2,0) SCFTs
- Sep 5, 2023, L. Necib, (Machine) Learning of Dark Matter
Summer 2023
Spring 2023
- May 11, 2023, M. Pettee, Weakly-Supervised Anomaly Detection in the Milky Way
- May 2, 2023, S. Koren, Putting Generalized Symmetries to Work for Particle Physics
- Apr 25, 2023, J. Erdmenger, Discrete Holography
- Apr 18, 2023, K. Fraser, Axion Interactions with Topological Defects
- Apr 4, 2023, A. Peter, Return of dark-matter self-interactions?
- Mar 28, 2023, S. Negro, The relevance of being irrelevant
- Mar 21, 2023, D. Dunsky, A Heavy QCD Axion and the Mirror World
- Mar 14, 2023, K. Croker, First observational evidence of cosmological coupling in black holes
- Mar 9, 2023, G. Kotousov, 2D black hole sigma models from an integrable spin chain
- Mar 7, 2023, M. Szewc, Null Hypothesis Test for Anomaly Detection
- Feb 28, 2023, J. Heckman, IIB Determined
- Feb 21, 2023, E. Witten, The Timelike Tube Theorem
- Feb 7, 2023, M. Buschmann, The post-inflationary axion
- Feb 2, 2023, M. Nojiri, Future electron beam dump experiments
- Jan 31, 2023, N. Seiberg, Symmetries and Anomalies in the Continuum and on the Lattice
- Jan 24, 2023, D. Tong, A Chern-Simons Theory for the North Atlantic Ocean
Fall 2022
- Dec 20, 2022, I. Runkel, Topological symmetries and their gaugings in 2dCFT and 3dTFT
- Dec 13, 2022, P. Horava, Topological Quantum Gravity of the Ricci Flow
- Dec 8, 2022, S. Mukhi, Classification of Unitary RCFTs with Two Primaries and c < 25
- Dec 6, 2022, I. Garcia Garcia, The Rocket Science of Bubble Walls
- Nov 29, 2022, K. Harigaya, Cosmology of Axion Rotation
- Nov 15, 2022, S. Shao, Non-invertible Symmetries in Nature
- Nov 10, 2022, N. Engelhardt, Non-Isometric Codes, Complexity, and the Black Hole Information Paradox
- Nov 9, 2022, J. Raine, Conditional Invertible Neural Networks for Neutrinos and New Physics Searches
- Nov 8, 2022, M. Bullimore, Non-invertible symmetry and higher representation theory
- Nov 1, 2022, D. Kutasov, Small Black Holes in String Theory
- Oct 25, 2022, L. Di Pietro, Factorization and Global symmetries in holography
- Oct 18, 2022, E. Rabinovici, Persistent Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking at High Temperatures
- Oct 11, 2022, C. Córdova, Non-Invertible Chiral Symmetry and Exponential Hierarchies
- Oct 4, 2022, B. Lillard, Molecules For Dark Matter Detection
- Sept 29, 2022, N. Nekrasov, One flew over the QQ-nest
- Sept 27, 2022, A. Golubeva, On the fundamental role of sparsity in machine learning
- Sept 20, 2022, S. Murthy, Giant gravitons in gauge theory
Spring 2022
- May 17, 2022, P. Shyamsundar, Constructing sensitive and robust collider observables with machine learning
- May 3, 2022, A. Butter, Normalizing Flows for LHC Theory
- Apr 26, 2022, P. Longhi, Studies of five-dimensional BPS spectra and applications to enumerative geometry
- Apr 19, 2022, J. Isaacson, How to measure M_W: A theory perspective
- Apr 12, 2022, D. Pei, Holomorphic CFTs and topological modular forms
- Apr 5, 2022, I. Moult, Conformal Colliders Meet the LHC
- Mar 29, 2022, A. Neitzke, Differential equations and deformations of supersymmetric QFT
- Mar 22, 2022, G. Yang, Renormalizing the Optimal Hyperparameters of a Neural Network
- Mar 15, 2022, P. Du, New backgrounds and new ideas for sub-GeV dark matter direct detection
- Mar 8, 2022, T. Dimofte, A QFT for non-semisimple TQFT
- Feb 22, 2022, A. Kapustin, Equivariant Berry phase for many-body quantum lattice systems
- Feb 15, 2022, G. White, Archaeology on the origin of matter
- Feb 8, 2022, D. Mazac, Automorphic Spectra and the Conformal Bootstrap
- Feb 1, 2022, H. Lamm, Quantum Computing for Quantum Field Theories
Fall 2021
- Nov 30, 2021, G. Penington, Quantum minimal surfaces from quantum error correction
- Nov 23, 2021, J. Wang, Quantum Criticality Beyond the Standard Model and Ultra Unification
- Nov 16, 2021, K. Schutz, Astrophysical plasmas, phase space, and searches for new particles
- Nov 09, 2021, B. Swingle, Hydrodynamics and the Spectral Form Factor
- Nov 02, 2021, O. Telem, Monopole Catalysis From Scattering Amplitudes
- Oct 26, 2021, D. Gaiotto, Giant gravitons in twisted holograpy
- Oct 19, 2021, S. Mishra-Sharma, Using machine learning to look for dark matter in the Galactic Center, the Milky Way halo, and other galaxies
- Oct 12, 2021, D. Harlow, A universal formula for the density of states in theories with finite-group symmetry
- Oct 01, 2021, P. Draper, The CKN Bound and Particle Physics
- Sept 28, 2021, J. McGreevy, Fractons and Chern-Simons Theory
- Sept 21, 2021, D. Whiteson, Learning Particle Physics from Machines
- Sept 14, 2021, S. Shao, On topological boundary conditions in 2+1d TQFT
- Sept 07, 2021, T. Lin, Dark matter direct detection with dielectrics
Spring 2021
- May 04, 2021, B. Nord, Deeply Uncertain: (how) can we make deep learning tools trustworthy for scientific measurements?
- Apr 20, 2021, J. Dror, Testing fundamental physics using pulsars
- Apr 13, 2021, E. Martinec, Stringy Structure at the BPS Bound
- Apr 06, 2021, K. Van Tilburg, Stellar Basins of Gravitationally Bound Particles
- Mar 23, 2021, P. Shanahan, Machine learning for physics: gauge-equivariant architectures
- Mar 09, 2021, N. Rodd, Two new ideas for the axion dark matter program
- Feb 23, 2021, C. Mondino, Probing dark matter substructure with astrometric weak lensing
- Feb 09, 2021, H. Ramani, Tackling energy deficits for dark matter detection
- Jan 26, 2021, J. Kaplan, Scaling Laws in Machine Learning and GPT-3
Fall 2020
- Nov 19, 2020, J. Halverson, Neural Networks and Quantum Field Theory
- Nov 03, 2020, S. Gukov, Cobordism invariants from BPS q-series
- Oct 27, 2020, I. Bah, Anomaly Inflow and topological mass terms
- Oct 13, 2020, A. Khan, Domain Wall Junctions and Categorical Wall-Crossing
Spring 2020
- May 12, 2020, A. Balasubramanian, Families of Hitchin systems and N=2 theories
- May 05, 2020, H. Hannesdottir, Infrared Finite Cross Sections and S-matrix elements
- Apr 21, 2020, K. Ohmori, 1+1d adjoint QCD and non-invertible topological lines
- Apr 14, 2020, C. Córdova, Symmetry Enforced Gaplessness in Quantum Field Theory
- Apr 07, 2020, M. Mariño, Resurgence, WKB and strings
- Mar 10, 2020, A. Kidambi, 1/4 BPS single center degeneracies from 1/2 BPS degeneracies in N = 4 string theory
- Mar 03, 2020, T. Banks, Finite Deformations of Quantum Mechanics
- Feb 25, 2020, T. Johnson-Freyd, A deformation invariant of 2D SQFTs
- Feb 18, 2020, M. Douglas, How will we do mathematics in 2030?
- Feb 11, 2020, M. Spradlin, Non-perturbative geometries for super Yang-Mills theory amplitudes
- Feb 06, 2020, S. Knapen, Soft signals in dark matterdetection
- Feb 04, 2020, F. Yan, q-nonabelianization for line defects
- Jan 21, 2020, K. Harigaya, Experimental probe of Higgs Parity
Fall 2019
- Dec 10, 2019, D. Hooper, Dark Radiation and Dark Matter from Black Holes in the Early Universe
- Nov 21, 2019, J. Nian, Microstate Counting of Asymptotically AdS (Near-)BPS Black Holes and Hawking Radiation
- Nov 12, 2019, A. Kitaev, Complex SYK model
- Nov 05, 2019, S. Mizera, Aspects of Scattering Amplitudes and Moduli Space Localization
- Oct 29, 2019, A. Berlin, Direct deflection of particle dark matter
- Oct 22, 2019, S. Shao, Anomalies and Charged Operators
- Oct 15, 2019, E. Rabinovici, Operator complexity growth at short and long time scales
- Oct 08, 2019, M. Barkeshli, Symmetry fractionalization, defects, and anomalies in (2+1) dimensional topological quantum matter.
- Oct 03, 2019, A Dei, Three-point functions in AdS3/CFT2 holography.
- Oct 01, 2019, D. Friedan, Cosmology from the two-dimensional renormalization group acting as the Ricci flow
- Sept 24, 2019, S. Chun, WRT invariants and modularity.
- Sept 17, 2019, G. Mohlabeng, Inelastic dark matter revives the dark photon explanation of the muon g-2 anomaly.
Summer 2019
Spring 2019
- Apr 29, 2019, H Kim, Supersymmetric partition functions, 't Hooft anomalies and Holomorphy
- Apr 23, 2019, J. Ruderman, 21cm from Dark Radiation
- Apr 16, 2019, S. Harrison, Quantum Modularity in 3d QFT
- Apr 02, 2019, S. Knapen, Search for whispers from beyond the standard model
- Mar 29, 2019, B. Nachman, Student Becomes Teacher: How Machine Learning Can Teach Us Fundamental Physics
- Mar 26, 2019, N. Paquette, Two-dimensional dualities and 4-manifolds
- Mar 05, 2019, G. Kasieczka, Seeing the unimagined: Unsupervised discovery of new physics at the LHC
- Feb 26, 2019, I. Bah, Anomaly Inflow for M5-branes wrapping a Riemann Surface
- Feb 21, 2019, S. J. Lee, Continuum Naturalness
- Feb 19, 2019, M. Baryakhtar, Searching for New Bosons with Light and Gravitational Waves
- Feb 12, 2019, A. J. Andreassen, JUNIPR: a Framework for Unsupervised Machine Learning in Particle Physics
- Jan 22, 2019, A. Yarom, Entropy and Superspace
Fall 2018
- Dec 11, 2018, N. Bao, Aspects of Holographic Entanglement of Purification
- Dec 04, 2018, G. Kribs, Dark Mesons at the LHC
- Nov 27, 2018, M. Freytsis, Towards precision physics with jet substructure
- Nov 20, 2018, D. Harlow, The factorization problem in Jackiw-Teitelboim Gravity
- Nov 13, 2018, Z. Komargodski, Baryons in one-flavor QCD
- Nov 06, 2018, D. Robinson, Right-handed Neutrinos in Semileptonic B Decays
- Oct 30, 2018, T. Slatyer, Dark Matter Annihilation, Decay and Scattering in the Cosmic Dawn
- Oct 23, 2018, O. Slone, A Test of Dark Matter vs IR Modifications to Gravity with Local Milky Way Observables
- Oct 19, 2018, N. Arkani-Hamed, Combinatorial Origins of Locality and Unitarity, Particles and Strings
- Oct 9, 2018, M. Dedushenko, 3D TQFTs from Argyres-Douglas Theories
- Oct 2, 2018, S. Shao, The Power of Non-Symmetry
- Sept 25, 2018, B. Swingle, Scrambling, Locality, and Quantum Fluctuations
Fall 2016
Spring 2016
- 05/17/16, J. Rudermann, Dark Sectors with a Mass Gap
- 05/10/16, D. Xie, New N=2 dualities
- 05/03/16, S. Minwalla, A Membrane Paradigm at Large D
- 04/26/16, S. Knapen, Diphotons
- 04/19/16, T. Dimofte, Vortices, Monopoles, and Finite AGT
- 04/12/16, D. Marsh, Genericity and universality in the string theory landscape
- 04/05/16, C. Beem, Studying six-dimensional (2,0) theories with the superconformal bootstrap.
- 03/29/16, T. Hartman, Causality Sum Rules in Quantum Field Theory
- 03/22/16, J. Heckman, UV Completions for Super-Critical Strings
- 03/15/16, I. Rothstein, Calculating Precision Gravity Wave Templates from Effective Field Theory
- 03/01/16, G. Dunne, Resurgence and non-perturbative physics: decoding the path integral
- 02/23/16, S. Dubovsky, Towards a Theory of the QCD String
- 02/16/16, J. Evans, Displaced Leptons and Other Exotic Objects at the LHC
- 02/09/16, M. Spradlin, Cluster Algebras and Scattering Amplitudes
- 02/02/16, L. Carpenter, Indirect Detection Constraints on Dark Matter Model Space
Fall 2015
- 12/08/15, M. Reece, Exploring the Weak Gravity Conjecture
- 12/01/15, S. Pufu, Accidental Symmetries and the Conformal Bootstrap
- 11/17/15, J. Galloway, Goldstone Gauginos
- 11/10/15, Y. Grossman, New Standard Physics at the LHC
- 11/03/15, H. Liu, Effective Field Theory of Dissipative Fluids
- 10/27/15, D. Harlow, Wormholes, Emergent Gauge Fields, and the Weak Gravity Conjecture
- 10/20/15, D. Curtin, Discovering Neutral Naturalness
- 10/06/15, W. Altmannshofer, Hints for Flavorful New Physics
- 09/29/15, D. Stanford, Chaos and black holes
- 09/24/15, A. Kitaev, Simple Model of Quantum Holography
- 09/22/15, C. Cordova, Anomalies, RG Flows, and the a-Theorem in 6d
- 09/15/15, R.Penco, Effective String Theory in a Tank
- 09/08/15, H. Kim, Duality Walls in 5d Gauge Theories
Spring 2015
- 05/12/15, M. del Zotto, 4D N=2 Galois symmetries
- 05/05/15, D. Pinner, Folded SUSY with a Twist
- 04/28/15, D. Harlow, Bulk Locality and Quantum Error Correction in AdS/CFT
- 04/21/15, T. Dumitrescu, Weyl Anomalies of Dix-Dimensional (2,0) Theories
- 04/07/15, A. Hook, The Strong CP Problem at the LHC
- 03/31/15, X. Yin, Little string theory (0,2) SCFT and constraints from maximal supersymmetry
- 03/24/15, M. Dine, Spontaneous CP Violation and the Strong CP Problem
- 03/10/15, D. Poland, Recent Results in the Conformal Bootstrap
- 03/03/15, J. Siegal Gaskins, Gamma Rays From Dark Matter in the Inner Galaxy
- 02/24/15, M.Schwartz, Do we know if our universe is stable?
- 02/17/15, H.Elvang, Holography for N=2 and N=1
Fall 2014
- 12/12/14, E.Witten, Some Details on the Gooakumar-Vafa and Ooguri-Vafa Formulas
- 11/18/14, J.Barnard, Composite Higgs Models with "the works"
- 11/11/14, S.Gori, Looking for Dark Forces with Multi-Leptons
- 11/04/14, D.Morrison, What is F-Theory?
- 10/28/14, F.Denef, Holographic Theory of Higher Spin de Sitter Space
- 10/21/14, E.Rabinocivi, Geometry and Noise
- 10/14/14, B.Shuve, Improving Identification of Dijet Resonances at the LHC
- 10/07/14, D.Park, Dualities of 2d(2,2) theories and cluster algebras
- 09/30/14, D.Spergel, Searching for Gravitational Waves in The Microwave Background
- 09/23/14, N.Seiberg, Generalized Global Symmetries
- 09/21/14, Y.Shirman, Dynamics of 3D gauge theories with antisymmetric matter
Spring 2014
- 05/13/14, J.Giedt, Lattice N=4 super-Yang-Mills
- 04/29/14, P.Agrawal, Dark Matter: The Lepton Connection
- 04/22/14, B.Tweedie, Pulling Out All the Stops
- 04/15/14, R.Essig, The Search for sub-GeV Dark Matter
- 04/01/14, N.Nekrasov, Nonperturbative Dyson-Schwinger, BPS/CFT correspondence and qq-characters
- 03/11/14, Y.Huang, New and Old Tales From Manifest Locality and Unitarity
- 03/04/14, T.Faulkner, Geometry and Dynamics From Entanglement Entropy
- 02/25/14, V.Kazakov, Status of Spectral Problem in Planar N=4 SYM Theory
- 02/20/14, A.Strominger, Infrared Structure of Gauge and Gravity Theories in Minkowski Space
- 02/11/14, A.Larkoski, IRC Safety vs Computability
- 02/04/14, N.Arkani-Hamed, The Amplituhedron
Fall 2013
- 11/20/13, K.Agashe, Using energy-peaks to measure particle (new and old) masses
- 11/12/13, A.Hook, Signatures of Naturalness
- 11/05/13, Y.Bai, Fermion Portal Dark Matter
- 10/22/13, R.Myers, On Spacetime Entanglement
- 10/22/13, J.Shelton, Looking for Dissipative Dark Matter
- 10/08/13, T.Dimofte
- 10/01/13, J.Maldacena, Entanglement and Geometry
- 09/24/13, C.Brust, New Light Species & the CMB
- 09/17/13, S.Caron-Huot, When Does the Gluon Reggeize?
- 09/17/13, D.Persson, BPS-states and automorphic representations
- 09/10/13, D.Curtin, Casting Light on BSM Physics with SM Standard Candles
Spring 2013
- 05/07/13, I.Yaakov, Supersymmetric vortex loops in 3d gauge theory
- 04/30/13, R.Sundrum, Metaphor for Dark Energy
- 04/23/13, J.Ruderman, Dark Matters in Supersymmetry
- 04/18/13, K.Intriligator, Aspects of 3d, N=2 Chern Simons Theories
- 04/09/13, A.Menon, Searching for Neutral Higgs Bosons in Non-Standard Channels
- 04/02/13, A.Castro, Black Hole Monodromy and Conformal Field Theory
- 03/26/13, M.Lisanti, A Flow of Dark Matter Debris
- 03/12/13, G.Kribs, Supersafe Supersymmetry with a Dirac Gluino
- 03/05/13, D.Spergel, Using CMB as a Tool to Study the Composition of the Universe
- 02/26/13, D.Simmons-Duffin, The Analytic Bootstrap and AdS Superhorizon Locality
- 02/19/13, D.Xie, Constructing BPS Quiver and Potential
- 02/12/13, R.Volpato, Generalised Mathieu Moonshine
- 02/05/13, D.Stolarksi, Gauging the Way to MFV
- 01/22/13, T.Son, The Geometry of the Quantum Hall Effect
Fall 2012
- 12/11/12, P.Argyres, Cosmic Clues for Dark Matter and Their Implications for a Dark Matter Asymmetry
- 12/04/12, T.Dimofte, Supersymmetric Boundary Conditions, Symmetry Enhancement, and E7 Surprises
- 11/27/12, J.Maldacena, Comments on Black Hole Interiors
- 11/20/12, B.Machta, 2D Ising Criticality in the Cellular Membrane
- 11/13/12, V.Pestun, The N=2 quiver gauge theories and ADE spinchains
- 11/06/12, J.Galloway, Nonstandard EWSB: Status and Prospects
- 10/23/12, R.Boels, Maximally R-symmetry Violating Amplitudes in Type IIB Superstring Theory
- 10/16/12, O.Aharony, Large N Chern-Simons-Matter Theories and Three Dimensional Bosonization
- 10/09/12, D.Harlow, The Wave Function of the University in Higher Spin Gravity
- 10/02/12, K.Zurek, Cosmic Clues for Dark Matter and Their Implications for a Dark Matter Asymmetry
- 09/25/12, F.Smirnov, One-point functions for sine-Gordon model at finite temperature
- 09/11/12, S.Hartnell, Ohm's Law and cold black holes
Spring 2012
- 05/16/12, E.Kuflik, A 125 GeV Higgs -- From Naturalness to Fourth Generation and Beyond
- 04/17/12, D.Krohn, Q Jets
- 04/10/12, T.Ghergetta, Natural SUSY, Split Families and Unification
- 04/03/12, A.Vichi, Solving the 3D Ising Model with the Conformal Bootstrap
- 03/27/12, J.Thaler, The Two Faces of Anomaly Mediation
- 03/20/12, S.Pufu, Is there an F-theorem?
- 03/06/12, N.Craig, Flavor Mediation
- 02/23/12, M.Buckley, Constraining Asymmetric Dark Matter
- 02/21/12, A.Katz, SUSY, The Third Generation and the LHC
- 02/16/12, T.Cohen, Singlet-Doublet Dark Matter
- 02/14/12, S.Ramazat, N=2 Superconformal Index and Relativistic Calogero-Sutherland Models
- 01/31/12, J.Henn, Analytic Results for scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang Mills
- 01/16/12, T.Hartman, Higher Spin Black Holes from 2d CFT
Fall 2011
- 12/08/11, E.Cobanera, Dualities and Dimensional Reduction
- 12/06/11, S.Oh, Atomic-Engineering and Topological Insulators
- 12/06/11, J.Kaplan, The Holographic S-Matrix
- 11/29/11, S.Monnier, The global gravitational anomaly of the self-dual field theory
- 11/22/11, D.Gaiotto, 3D SCFTs and the Geometry of 3 Manifolds
- 11/15/11, A.Zhiboedev, All possible symmetries of CFTs
- 11/08/11, N.Seiberg, Curved Superspace
- 11/03/11, C.Csaki, MFV SUSY: A Natural Alternative to R-parity
- 10/25/11, M.Buican, R Symmetry and Non-Perturbative QFT
- 10/18/11, T.Slatyer, Signatures of Dark Matter Annihilation in the CMB
- 10/11/11, J.Harvey, K3 Surfaces, Mock Modular Forms, and Moonshine
- 10/04/11, N.Arkani-Hamed, Grassmanian Polytopes and Scattering Amplitudes
- 09/27/11, I.Klebanov, Measuring the Number of Degrees of Freedom in Three-dimensional CFT
- 09/22/11, G.Torroba, FRW holography from uplifted AdS/CFT
- 09/13/11, M.Spradlin, Symblifying Amplitudes and Wilson Loops
Spring 2011
- 05/03/11, D.Simmons-Duffin, N=1 SQCD and the Transverse Field Ising Model
- 04/26/26, K.Zurek, On new physics models for top AFB
- 04/19/11, T.Dimofte, Liouville Theory and D-Modules
- 04/12/11, J.Gallicchio, Gluon Tagging at the LHC
- 04/05/11, J.Heckman, Quasi-Hidden Sectors from Strongly Coupled Strings
- 03/29/11, C.Bauer, New ideas for Monte Carlo Generators
- 03/22/11, J.Penedones, Writing CFT Correlation Functions as AdS Scattering Amplitudes
- 03/08/11, C.Keller, From Navier-Stokes to Einstein
- 03/03/11, E.Witten, Chern-Simons Theory From Four Dimensions
- 03/01/11, M.Douglas, Holographic dual of free field theory
- 02/24/11, K.Wang, Top quark forward-backward asymmetry and the BSM candidates
- 02/22/11, M.Reece, Low-Scale SUSY Breaking: Collider Physics and Cosmology
- 02/15/11, G.Salam, QCD and the LHC
Fall 2010
- 11/30/10, D.Poland, Bounds on 4D Conformal and Superconformal Field Theories
- 11/23/10, D.Morrisey, A Unified Origin for Baryonic Visible Matter and Antibaryonic Dark Matter
- 11/16/10, D.Jafferis, Massive type IIA string theory cannot be strongly coupled
- 11/09/10, L.Rastelli, S-Duality, the 4d Super Conformal Index and 2d Topological Field Theory
- 11/02/10, P.Fox, FNAL and Dark Matter with a Jet
- 10/26/10, L.Anderson, Supersymmetry and Moduli Stabilization in Heterotic M-theory
- 10/19/10, Z.Komargodski, Vector Mesons and an Interpretation of Seiberg Duality
- 10/12/10, M.Lisanti, The Velocity Distribution of Dark Matter
- 10/05/10, Y.Tachikawa, More s-dualities from Outer-automorphism twists-->
- 09/28/10, H.Elvang, Symmetry constraints on counterterms in N=8 supergravity
- 09/21/10,C.Papageorgakis, Nonabelian Tensor Multiplets and 3-algebras
- 09/14/10, J.Fan, Non-relativistic effective theory of dark matter direct detection
- 08/24/10, M.Morii, LUX: A Liquid Xenon Dark Matter Detector
Spring 2010
- 05/11/10, N.Seiberg, Supercurrents
- 05/04/10, M.Schwartz, Precision Jet Physics at the LHC
- 04/27/10, C.Cordova, Decoupling Gravity in F-Theory
- 04/20/10, L.Fitzpatrick, Discovering Asymmetric Dark Matter with Anti-neutrinos
- 04/13/10, T.Roy, Boosting BSM Higgs Discovery Using Jet Substructure
- 04/06/10, M.Douglas, Compactification, Warp and Conformal Factors
- 03/23/10, L.Wang, Modern Jet Tools for Discovering New Physics at the LHC
- 03/09/10, N.Arkani-Hamed, A Duality for the S Matrix III
- 03/02/10, E. Witten, The Omega-Deformation, Integrability, and Liouville
- 02/23/10, F.Denef, Black Hole Quasinormal Modes and the de Haas-van Alphen Effect
- 02/16/10, J.Heckman, Signatures of Minimal F-theory GUTs
- 02/09/10, X.Yi, Higher Spin Gauge Theory and Holography
- 02/02/10, J.Ruderman, Hiding the Higgs with Lempton Jets
- 01/26/10, L.Alday, Thermodynamic Bubble Ansatz
- 01/25/10, W.Ko, Perturbing the Kagome Lattice Spin-Liquid State: Raman Scattering, Magnetic, Field, and Doping
- 01/19/10, M.Kharitinov, Radiation of spin excitations in the nonlinear transport regime and conductance peak in quantum wires
Fall 2009
- 11/24/09, W.Song, The Kerr/CFT Correspondence
- 11/10/09, C.Kane, Majorama Fermions and Toplological Insulators
- 11/03/09, F. Cachazo, A Duality for the S Matrix II
- 10/27/09, N.Arkani-Hamed, A Duality for the S Matrix I
- 10/20/09, F.Petriello, Precision Higgs physics at colliders
- 10/13/09, R.McElrath, The Origin of Neutrino Mass and Mixing in the Standard Model
- 09/29/09, D.Gaiotto, Recent Progress in N=2 Field Theory
- 09/22/09, Z.Komargodski, Aspects of SUSY Breaking
- 09/15/09, N.Seiberg, Comments on FI Terms
Spring 2009
- 05/08/09, G.Falkovich, Symmetries of Turbulent State
- 05/05/09, A.Tomasiello, Perturbing gauge/gravity duals by a Romans mass
- 04/28/09, C.Cheung, Unitarity and S-Matrix
- 04/14/09, I.Klebanov, The Squashed, Stretched and Warped gets Perturbed
- 04/07/09, A.LeClair, Field Theory Model of a non-Fermi Liquid for High Tc Superconductivity
- 03/24/09, S.Raby, A Fertile Patch in the Heterotic Landscape
- 03/10/09, A.Delgado, Unparticle-Higgs phenomenology
- 03/03/09, Y.Tachikawa, Recent developments in 4d N=2 Superconformal field theories
- 02/19/09, K.Zurek, Hidden Sector Dark Matter
- 02/16/09, U.Bruzzo, Semistable Principal Higgs Bundles
- 02/10/09, P.Batra, The Supersymmetric Limit of Electrotweak Symmetry
- 02/03/09, Z.Komargodski, Aspects of Supersymmetry and R-Symmetry Breaking
- 01/27/09, F.Denef, Orientiholes
Fall 2008
- 11/25/08, M.Reece, Phenomenology of Higgsino NLSPs
- 11/20/08, H.Liu, A Third Order Phase Transition for a Large N Gauge Theory with Flavors
- 11/11/08, D.Shih, Exploring General Gauge Mediation
- 11/04/08, P.Hayden, Black Holes as Mirrors
- 10/28/08, J.McOrist, Summing the Instantons in the Heterotic String
- 10/21/08, T.Volansky, Towards a complete theory of gauge mediation
- 10/14/08, C.Herzog, Non-Relativistic AdS/CFT
- 10/07/08, S.Kachru, Gravity Duals of Lifshitz-like Fixed Points
- 09/30/08, H.Elvang, Generating tree amplitudes in N=4 SYM and N=8 SG
- 09/23/08, N.Saulina, Gauge Mediation in F-theory GUT Models
Spring 2008
- 04/29/08, R.Leigh, Mottness and Strong Coupling
- 04/22/08, H.Liu, A Prediction From String Theory, with Strings Attached
- 04/15/08, S.Sethi, Non-Supersymmetric String Theory
- 04/08/08, A.Konechny, Radiation from unstable D1 branes in 2D string theory
- 03/11/08, A.Tomasiello, New string vacua from simple topologies
- 03/04/08, D.Shih, General Gauge Mediation
- 02/26/08, M.Schnabl, Light-like tachyon condensation in Open String Field Theory
- 02/19/08, M.Kleban, When Worlds Collide
- 02/12/08, D.Kutasov, Supersymmetry breaking in gauge theory and string theory
- 02/05/08, P.Graham, Searching for Gravity Waves and New Physics with Atom Interferometry
- 01/29/08, C.Bauer, Factorization for Jet Production
- 01/22/08, V.Pestun, Localization of gauge theory: exact results for circular supersymmetric Wilson loop operators
Fall 2007
- 12/11/07, E.Witten, More On Three-Dimensional Gravity
- 12/05/07, J.Harvey, Jets, Pseudo-Chern-Simons term in the Standard Model, with applications
- 11/27/07, G.Salam, Jets, our window on partons at the LHC
- 11/13/07, J.Thaler, GenEvA: A New Framework for Event Generation
- 11/06/07, S.Gukov, Refined Topological Vertex, Instanton Counting, and Link Homologies
- 10/30/07, J.Maldacena, Scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang Mills from strings in Anti-de-Sitter space
- 10/23/07, F.Denef, D-brane deconstructions in IIB orientifolds
- 10/09/07, D.Kreimer, Renormalization revisited: from periods and motives to non-perturbative physics
Spring 2007
- 02/01/07, M.Rocek, Instantons and SL(2,Z) duality in Type IIB Compactifications
- 02/06/07, A.Kashani-Poor, The wave function behavior of the open topological string partition function on the conifold
- 02/13/07, M.Voloshin, Spontaneous and induced decay of false vacuum
- 02/27/07, A.Polyakov, Gauge/Strings at Large Curvatures and Related Problems
- 03/06/07, I.Klebanov, From Weak to Strong Coupling in N=4 SYM Theory
- 03/13/07, M.Dine, Metastability
- 03/20/07, I.Stewart, The Theory of Jets Initiated by Massive Unstable Particles: Top-Massive Determination
- 03/27/07, D.Kutasov, Supersymmetry and gauge symmetry breaking from intersecting branes
- 04/03/07, F.Petriello, Recent advances in perturbative QCD and LHC physics
- 04/10/07, S.Sachdev, Quantum Critical Transport, Duality, and M Theory
- 04/10/07, N.Nekrasov, N-2 Super-Yang-Mills and Statistical Models in 1,2,3 (and 4?) Dimensions
- 04/17/07, G.Shiu, Cosmology and Particle Physics with Warped Throats
- 04/24/07, J.Conlon, Hierarchy Problems in String Theory - The Power of Large Volume
- 05/01/07, E.Akhmedov, Exponent of Cubic Matrices and Non-Abelian Tensor Fields
- 05/08/07, J.Teschner, Warm-up for noncompact sigma models: The Sinh-Gordon model
- 05/09/07, C.Hull, Geometry, duality and non-geometric string backgrounds
Fall 2006
- 09/19/06, N.Arkani-Hamed, Locality, Cosmology and the Landscape
- 09/26/06, M.Huang, Seiberg-Witten theory, instanton counting, modular foms
- 10/03/06, H.Liu, The arrow of time, black holes and quantum mixing of large N Yang-Mills theories
- 10/31/06, J.Maldacena, Comments on the worldsheet S-matrix for string threory
- 11/07/06, D.Shih, Meta-stable Vacua in SQCD and MQCD
- 11/14/06, R.Velandro, Warped Models in String Theory
- 12/05/06, O.Aharony, A holographic model of deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration
- 12/12/06, L.Wang, Top Final States and New Physics
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