Scope of Course. This course will provide a
selected introduction to strongly correlated electron
systems. There will be a lot of discussion and
interaction. The course will begin with a
discussion of broken symmetry and
superconductivity. We will then shift to a new
topic: Magic Angle Graphene, discussing the recent
developments in this field and the Bistritzer-Macdonald
picture of these materials. We will end with a
local moment formation, the Kondo Lattice and the physics
of heavy fermion materials and quantum
criticality. The course will be based in part on the
last seven chapters of my book, "Introduction to Many-Body
Physics" and on a recent series of lectures at the 2019
ICAM Cargese School on emergent
physics of quantum materials. |
Traditional Many Body Theory and Greens Functions
Online references (Check it out- this is a great
link). |
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Times: 3.20 pm on Monday and 3.20 pm on Monday in ARC 108. We will start on Weds Sep 5. Occasionally, to make up for my travel, we will hold an additional class, on Friday 12.30-1.40pm, SEC 206. Office hour: Officially: 9.50am Fridays but come by if you have questions. Tel x 9033. Assessment: I anticipate four or five take home exercises and one take-home final. I want to encourage an interactive class and will take this into account when grading! (Return to top) |
(Return to top) Schedule:
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