import scipy as scp
from numpy import random
from numpy import linalg
from numba import jit
# random coordinates in 2D for n-cities
R = random.random((ncity,2))
city = range(ncity)
def Distance(R1,R2):
return linalg.norm(R1-R2)
def TotalDistance(city, R):
for i in range(len(city)-1):
dist += Distance(R[city[i]],R[city[i+1]])
dist += Distance(R[city[-1]],R[city[0]])
return dist
def Plot(city, R, dist):
Pt = [R[city[i]] for i in range(len(city))]
Pt += [R[city[0]]]
Pt = array(Pt)
title('Total distance='+str(dist))
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline
Plot(city,R, TotalDistance(city,R))
def FindASegment(R):
nct = len(R) # number of cities
while True:
# Two cities n[0] and n[1] chosen at random
n0 = int(nct*rand())
n1 = int((nct-1)*rand())
if n1>=n0 : n1 +=1
if n1<n0 : (n0,n1) = (n1,n0)
nn = (nct-(n1-n0+1)) # the rest of the cities
if nn>=3 : break
n2 = (n0-1) % nct
n3 = (n1+1) % nct
return (n0,n1,n2,n3)
def CostReverse(R, city, n0, n1, n2, n3):
# cost for reverse move
de = Distance(R[city[n2]],R[city[n1]])+Distance(R[city[n0]],R[city[n3]])
de-= Distance(R[city[n2]],R[city[n0]])+Distance(R[city[n1]],R[city[n3]])
return de
def Reverse(R, city, n0, n1, n2, n3):
newcity = copy(city)
for j in range(n1-n0+1):
newcity[n0+j] = city[n1-j]
return newcity
def FindTSegment(R):
(n0,n1,n2,n3) = FindASegment(R)
nct = len(R)
nn = nct - (n1-n0+1) # number for the rest of the cities
n4 = (n1+1 + int(rand()*(nn-1)) ) % nct # city on the rest of the path
n5 = (n4+1) % nct
return (n0,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5)
def CostTranspose(R, city, n0,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5):
de = -Distance(R[city[n1]], R[city[n3]])
de-= Distance(R[city[n0]], R[city[n2]])
de-= Distance(R[city[n4]], R[city[n5]])
de+= Distance(R[city[n0]], R[city[n4]])
de+= Distance(R[city[n1]], R[city[n5]])
de+= Distance(R[city[n2]], R[city[n3]])
return de
def Transpose(R, city, n0,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5):
nct = len(R)
newcity = []
# Segment in the range n0,...n1
for j in range(n1-n0+1):
newcity.append( city[ (j+n0)%nct ] )
# is followed by segment n5...n2
for j in range( (n2-n5)%nct + 1):
newcity.append( city[ (j+n5)%nct ] )
# is followed by segement n3..n4
for j in range( (n4-n3)%nct + 1):
newcity.append( city[ (j+n3)%nct ] )
return newcity
nn = FindTSegment(R)
de = CostTranspose(R, city, *nn)
r1 = Transpose(R, city, *nn)
def TravelingSalesman(city, R, maxSteps, maxAccepted, Tstart, fCool, maxTsteps, Preverse=0.5):
T = Tstart
dist = TotalDistance(city,R)
for t in range(maxTsteps):
accepted = 0
for i in range(maxSteps):
if Preverse > rand():
# Try reverse
nn = FindASegment(R)
de = CostReverse(R, city, *nn)
if de < 0 or exp(-de/T) > rand():
accepted += 1
dist += de
city = Reverse(R, city, *nn)
# here we transpose
nn = FindTSegment(R)
de = CostTranspose(R, city, *nn)
if de < 0 or exp(-de/T) > rand():
accepted += 1
dist += de
city = Transpose(R, city, *nn)
if accepted > maxAccepted:
T *= fCool
Plot(city, R, dist)
print("T=%10.5f , distance=%10.5f acc.steps=%d" % (T, dist,accepted))
if accepted == 0:
Plot(city, R, dist)
return city
from numpy import random
ncity = 100
maxSteps = 100*ncity
maxAccepted = 10*ncity
Tstart = 0.2
fCool = 0.9
maxTsteps = 100
R = random.random((ncity,2))
city = range(ncity)
ncity = TravelingSalesman(city, R, maxSteps, maxAccepted, Tstart, fCool, maxTsteps)