Dirac Materials

Alexander Balatsky
Los Alamos National Laboratory and Nordita


The past 25 years have witnessed a rapid expansion of research into materials which  host relativistic particles.           
Discoveries of superfluid phases in 3He,  high temperature superconductors,  graphene and topological insulators have      
brought into focus materials in which the elementary excitations, or  quasiparticles are described by the same Dirac equation
that governs relativistic particles.  This class of materials, called Dirac materials, exhibits unusual universal            
features: Klein tunneling, chirality and impurity resonances. 

Dirac materials hold a significant promise for applications as they can be tuned in response to small changes in parameters.
I will also discuss  the next step in the evolution of the field:  control of driven Dirac matter. The field is now exploring the tunability    
of nodal  states  as we apply external drives to manipulate fermions and bosons in graphene, topological insulators and oxide         

T. Wehling, A. M. Black-Schaffer and A. V. Balatsky,  Dirac materials, Advances in Physics 63, 76, (2014).
C. Triola, A. Pertsova, R Markiewicz and A. V.  Balatsky, Excitonic Gap Formation in Pumped Dirac Materials,
Phys. Rev. B 95, 205410 (2017) .

M. Geilhufe, S. Borysov and A.V. Balatsky, 3-dimensional organic Dirac-line material due to non-symmorphic       
symmetry. arXiv:1610.07815  (use of the database to search for Dirac Materials)