Rutgers Physics Student Response System

Pedagogical Uses of the SRS, Spring 1997

In the spring of 1997, there were ten courses which met in the Physics Lecture Hall. The use that these courses make of the system is currently being researched. Student evaluations from these courses are available.

Clientele Current SRS
109 Astronomy and
Cosmology I
Nonscience majors Not used
110 Astronomy and
Cosmology II
Nonscience majors Not used.
112 Contemporary
Nonscience majors graded attendance
116 Extended Ana-
lytical Physics I
Engineers needing
extra preparation
regular ungraded attendance
regular graded MC questions
124 Analytical
Physics I
Engineers Ungraded MC sometimes
201 Extended Gen-
eral Physics
203 students needing
extra preparation
graded attendance, regularly
ungraded MC, extensively
203 General
Physics I
Science majors
not Physics or Engineering
ungraded attendance, half the time
occasional ungraded MC
204 General
Physics II
Science majors
not Physics or Engineering
Not used because only
one of two sections
met in the PLH
228 Analytical
Physics II
Engineers Attendance always
ungraded M. C. often
272 Principles
of Physics
Physics majors and
honors engineers
graded attendance regularly
ungraded M. C. sometimes

Last revision: April 5, 1997

Joel A. Shapiro <>
Last modified: Fri May 16 10:14:47 1997