Physics and Society Education.

Organizations related to Physics and Society Education

Our parent organization is the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). We sponsor sessions at its meetings. Its journals, The American Journal of Physics and The Physics Teacher frequently publish articles about physics related to societal questions. Its Committee on Science Education for the Public (CSEP), is our parent committee.

Electronic access to the American Journal of Physics, The Physics Teacher, as well as to Physics Today is available to all AAPT members. Go to the AAPT website and click on 'Journals'. (Have your membership number available.)

One of the units of the American Physical Society (APS) is the Forum on Physics and Society (FPS). The interests of FPS are close to ours, and their webpage contains and has links to a great deal of interesting information.

Another is the APS Forum on Education (FEd).

Science is a magazine that publishes some of the best scientific research articles. It also has wide-ranging high-quality general articles, editorials, book reviews, and news about science. Energy and sustainability have been recurring themes. The cost of a subscription is high ($130.-), but quite a lot of the content is available free on registration: table of contents, abstracts, articles more than one year old, and a variety of other material.

Science's British counterpart is Nature. It allows more limited access on free registration. The subscription fee is $159.-.

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is an organization for "committed citizen advocacy to build a cleaner, healthier environment and a safer world."