CLIO is a general fit and display program.

General Concept

Clio aides in the visualization and analysis of data sets. Two dimensional data sets with errors can be plotted.
A set of functions can be fitted to the data.
Least square fit procedures can be employed to describe the data by a Polynomial (up to order 10), or Legendre Polynomial (second order, even terms only, a typical angular correlation function). In addition, set of parameterized nonlinear functions (function list) can be fitted to the data using 'curfit'.
       Available functions are:
             [2]  Polynomial,
             [3]  Legendre Polynomial
             [4]  Ge Detector efficiency
             [5]  Simple Exponential
             [6]  Chalk River TF Parameterization
             [7]  Rutgers TF Parameterization
             [8]  angfit
             [9]  Connect Points
If parameters are provided functions can be drawn.

For comparison different data sets and functions with display attributes can be stored simultaneously and drawn in the same picture.
Data sets contain a list of x, y and dy [optional dx] floating point numbers.
In addition input lines starting with certain characters like

         #   comment line ignored
         t   title
         x   x-label
         y   y-label
         s   signals new data set
         p # selects different point symbol (#: 1-5)
are recognized.
Up to 20 data sets can be stored simultaneously.

Input - Output

Data set can be read in from files or typed from keyboard.
	r filname

If no filename is provided, data input from keyboard is expected. A newly typed data set can be saved as file. If no filename is given, the data are not saved and cannot be saved without retyping.
Parameter files can be read or written:

	'rpar filnam' or 'wpar filnam'


Data sets are labeled 0 to 19 at input time. An empty dataset can be reserved with the command 'nset'. The data storage is dynamically allocated and can be reused, but altogether only 20 datasets can be used at a time.

Least squares fit

The linear functions can be applied immediately. The parameterized functions of Function List need start parameter values. There are various ways to supply parameter sets.

The options box selects a weighting mode for the data set.
Caution: A dataset for fitting should not exceed 128 members.


The graph assumes default settings for the overall outlay. These settings can be changed and are selected from the graphics options. If scale settings are fixed by hand they are kept from there on. When requesting a graph the first argument is always the dataset [0 through 19], as second parameter a color can be specified. For now the list contains red,blue,yellow,green,white,black.

Command Summary

  Current commands are:
r [name]  Read data file
pfit [order] polynomial fit of that order
lfit Legendre polynomial fit
s [angle] (Legendre only) returns the "slope" at given angle
cfit curve fit (after selection of function)
spar [# value] set function parameter
fpar [#] list and fix function parameters
rpar [name] read parameter from file
wpar [name] write parameter into file
fval [x] calculates function value for given x
psym [#][ size] select point symbol and optional the point size
xscale [min][max][step] set xscale (min,max,step)
yscale [min][max][ste]p set yscale (min,max,step)
cpscale [id] copy scale settings of other id (to have identical scales)
xlabel [text] set xscale label
ylabel [text] set yscale label
title [text] set top title
log y data converted to log
mode [#] set weighting mode for fitting
xmul [fac] multiply x data
ymul [fac] multiply y data
d [#] display data set
do [#] color overlay display other data set
dop [#] color overlay points of other data set
dof [#] color overlay function of other data set
ps [#][#] make postscript file ''
pso [#][#] make postscript file overlay two or more picture
psop [#] make postscript file overlay points
psof [#] make postscript file overlay function
set [#] select data set
cset[#] current set #
nset create new empty data set
pset [#] prints set info
plset [#] make plotset for use with xmgrace
exit quit

Gerfried Kumbartzki
Last modified: Tue Jul 6 17:44:36 EDT 2010