Astronomy and Cosmology
Fall 2008


Lecturer: Prof. Jack Hughes, Busch Campus, Serin-307, Tel: (732)445-0980, e-mail: jph "at"

Textbook: Required. The Universe, 8th edition by R.A. Freedman and W.J.Kaufmann III, Publisher W.H. Freeman. Available from the bookstore in either print or e-book format (your choice)

iclickers: Required.

Overview: In this course we shall discuss the historical foundations of Astronomy, the tools and techniques used by modern astronomers, the constituents of our solar system, and the processes by which it formed. The companion course, Ph 110 (taught this semester by Dr. Matilsky and next semester by Drs. Hughes and Williams) covers the structure and evolution of stars, the properties of galaxies, and the past, present, and future of the Universe. There are no college-level prerequisites for either course, but typical high school algebra and science preparation is assumed.

Format: The course consists of 2 lectures each week on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:10PM to 9:30PM in the Physics Lecture Hall (PHL), Busch Campus.

Assessment: Grades will be determined based on three elements weighted equally: (1) in class iclicker quizes, (2) a midterm exam, and (3) a cumulative final exam. Iclicker quizes will be given on material that has been presented in class or covered in the assigned reading. There will be a single make-up exam (covering ALL the material in the course) for students with a class conflict, a medical/family emergency, or other serious and unforeseen event who miss EITHER the midterm or the final. In all cases, documentation (your class schedule, a doctor's note, etc.) must be provided to take the make-up exam. To reiterate, the make-up exam will be the same for either missed test and it will be cumulative.

Exam Schedule:

How to succeed in this class:

The address of this page is

Please send any comments to Jack Hughes, jph "at"

Revised August 29, 2008