Electrons in Flatlands:  Surprises Never Stop


M. Shayegan

Dept. Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544


Two-dimensional (2D) electrons in AlAs quantum wells occupy multiple conduction-band minima (or valleys) at the X point of the Brillouin zone. These valleys have large effective mass (m*) and g-factor compared to the standard GaAs electrons, and are also highly anisotropic. The system is rather unique in that, with proper choice of well width and by applying in situ symmetry-breaking strain in the plane, one can control the occupation of different valleys, thus rendering a system with tuneable m*, g-factor, Fermi contour anisotropy, and with single, double, or triple valley degeneracy. By adding a magnetic field, we obtain a system which allows us to explore very rich physics ensuing from the valley and spin degrees of freedom in a strongly interacting system. In this presentation, I will highlight our latest results in this system, including the observation of a metal-insulator transition and an unexpected dependence of m* on the spin and valley polarizations.