Anirvan Sengupta: Personal I did my undergrad work at Presidency College, Calcutta. After spending a few months at Calcutta University, post-graduate program, I went to TIFR, Bombay to do my Ph. D.. From 1988-92, I was at TIFR. I worked on string theory with S. Wadia. Overall, the stay at TIFR was fun. This is where I made lots of friends and studied only occasionally.

1992 fall, I arrived at Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris. My major achievements there were: 1) To teach my French colleagues to tolerate and even understand my French; 2) Banging into a Car on a bridge over Seine (you should have seen that guy run away);3)Nearly manage to commit suicide carrier-wise by changing my field and writing only one paper before the next post-doc hunting season.

In 1994, despite major handicaps, I managed a)to get my PhD, finally, b)get married, c)get a few post-doc offers. I came to New Jersey (the Garden State, in case you did not notice the construction cones) to work at Bell-Labs, Murray Hill. I have been hanging around in NJ ever since, except for a brief 3 month interlude of going to RRI, Bangalore.