Term paper topics (proposed/approved). "L" in first column indicates documented library visit.

L S. Ajakkala Astrobiology and religion
L T. Banota Silicon-based extraterrestrial life
A. Gould Terraforming Mars
T. Karanfilian Enceladus
L J. Kawalec The relevance of Curiosity's findings to the possibility of past and present life on Mars
L S. Kumarapuram Ganapath The chemical compositions of planets
Z. Pandher Government involvement in SETI
L* M. Salem The evolution of intelligence
M. Sankaran The economics of space exploration
L K. Sibilia Exoplanets around pulsars
M. Siringan The ethics of interplanetary and interstellar travel
H. Somisetty The economics of commercial activity in space
K. Uhlich Methods of exoplanet detection
M. Wilkins Astrobiology and ownership in space
F. Zhang Europa
W. Zhu Exoplanets around M dwarfs

Last updated December 21, 2019.