Roxanne Guenette

"Searching for nu physics with Liquid Argon Detectors"

Neutrinos seem to hold the key to many great questions of physics. Understanding these elusive 
particles could provide the answer to why the Universe is dominated by matter, why the 
neutrino mass is so small and if there are any more types of neutrinos. However, studying 
neutrinos is not an easy task. Their weak interactions require very large detectors and the detail 
of their interactions is much more complexe then previously assumed. Recents development in liquid 
argon  (LAr) technology opens new opportunities to study neutrinos with unprecedented detail. After 
briefly reviewing the basis and the great questions of neutrino physics, I will present the principle 
of LAr detectors and describe how they can help us addressing some of the remaining puzzles of our 
field. I will also review some recent results of the MicroBooNE experiment, an important milestone 
in the future short- and long- baseline programs