Department of Physics and Astronomy - Computer Facilities
Unix Environment for Physics - Programs

Symbolic Mathematics Programs

We have two very powerful symbolic mathematical packages on our machines, Maple and Mathematica. We strongly encourage users to adopt Maple as Rutgers have site license agreement with Maple manufacturer resulting in greatly lower cost of keeping and upgrading it versus its competitor Mathematica. Both are of almost identical capabilities and very similar to use. Plresently we have Mathematica 3 (unlimited) and 4 (only 4 users at the time) as well as Maple 9 (unlimited users). Please check for availability on particular servers as this changes frequently.

Please note that Maple is supported at Rutgers University, while Mathematica is not. Maple runs on all our Suns, Mathematica only on two - and only one of those two, electron, has unlimited users license. Thus if you are going to be here for a while and are not yet committed to Mathematica, Maple might be the better choice. The capabilities of the two programs are very similar - which is better is controversial.

What follows is under construction. I intend first to compile a list of links, and then later to make sense of them.

Please send any comments on this page to Richard Vaughn.
Last modified: Wed Mar 29 11:03:05 EDT 2006