Using a Grtex Database

There are databases of exam problems for most of the introductory physics and astrophysics courses, including

Course instructors and administrators should be in the crsadmin group on the shell computers. This is necessary in order to have access to these files in the /home/crsadmin/compexams directory.

In addition, there are collections of problems not yet formed into a database, but accessible, for current courses 115, 116, 140, 161, 194, 201, 202, 271, 272, and and for defunct courses 111, 112.

If you are teaching one of these courses and want access to the database, send me an email. You will also get instructions for installing and using the database.

You might also want to look at the problems for another course, as they mostly overlap in what they cover.

Most of the databases have not yet been organized by topic.

Older Documents

There are some older documents:
Criticisms or additions to this page should be sent to
Joel Shapiro
(shapirophysics) Last modified: Thu Jan 16 11:35:51 2020